ARM has just launched their own Android development toolkit, Development Studio 5 Community Edition. The reason for this release is the fact that most of the Android devices are powered by chips that are based on ARM architecture. Here is a list of features of this new toolkit
- Customized Eclipse IDE, with ARM compiler, C/C++ editor and integrated productivity utilities.
- DS-5 debugger
- Performance analyzer for system-wide performance analysis for Linux and Android systems
- Real time simulator (for Cortex A8 and A9)
DS-5 will be available in three different packages as explained below:
- DS-5 Application Edition: Affordable professional
solution for native language (e.g. C, C++) Linux and Android user space
development. No debug unit required.
- DS-5 Linux Edition:
End-to-end software development tool suite for Linux-based systems. It
includes bootloader and kernel level debug and trace capabilities when
used in conjunction with DSTREAM.
- DS-5 Professional Edition:
Leading-edge software development tool-chain for bare-metal, RTOS, and
Linux-based projects. It includes all features of the other editions
plus the highly-optimizing ARM Compiler.
You can download the toolkit from
here but before downloading, make sure that your host is compatible (details are provided below).
Host System Requirements
Minimum Configuration
- Dual core 2 GHz processor or equivalent
- 2 GB of RAM (4 GB recommended)
- Approximately 1 GB of hard disk space
Operating System
- Windows XP Professional service pack 3 (32-bit)
- Windows 7 Professional and Enterprise (32/64-bit)
- Windows Server 2003 (ARM Compiler toolchain only)
- Windows Server 2008 (ARM Compiler toolchain only)
- Ubuntu Desktop Edition 10.04 LTS (32-bit only)
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Desktop and Workstation, option Standard (32/64-bit)
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