Wednesday, November 16, 2011

BitTorrent Remote hits Android

Bit Torrent has released a brand new application for Android users. Named Remote, it can be used to add, remove, start, stop torrents and check your download progress. Wait! We are not talking about torrents and downloads on your droid. This app actually controls Bit Torrent app that is running in your PC, from your phone, wherever you are (given that you are connected to internet). You can even mobile phone's browser to find torrents and those torrents will be added to download list on your PC. To make things better, downloads that completed on your PC can be transferred to your phone automatically.

Here are some screenshots for you to chec:

You can download this cool new app from here

Note: BitTorrent Remote works with BitTorrent 7 for Windows and µTorrent Mac.

1 comment:

  1. Pretty awesome, Android has some cleaver apps.

    Paul, Touch Tonic
